Santé, médecine sportive

La médecine du sport ou médecine sportive est la médecine spécialisée dans les différents aspects médicaux liés à la pratique du sport. Elle comprend la prévention des accidents chez le sportif, la prise en charge en urgence des traumatismes dûs aux activités sportives, la surveillance et l'évaluation médicale des entraînements chez les sportifs, la prise en charge spécifique des sportifs de haut niveau.La médecine du sport étudie la physiologie et la biologie du sport : métabolisme énergétique, adaptation du corps à l'effort, entrainement et surentrainement, fatigue et récupération, biométrie, dopage, nutrition, etc...Elle étudie également les spécificités de la pratique sportive selon l'âge et l'état de santé du patient sportif, selon le sport pratiqué, selon le niveau de pratique, l'amateurisme ou la compétition, le matériel utilisé et l'environnement.Le médecin du sport doit connaître les particularité de l'examen médical du sportif, les indications et la réalisation des différentes épreuves d'aptitude, les pièges rencontrés lors de la délivrance de certificats.

What is wrinkles ?

wrinkles are grooves in the skin. Wrinkles can be on the surface of the skin or can be quite deep. Wrinkles are the thin, creased, and sagging skin that is especially noticeable on the face, neck, and hands. Wind, heat and chemicals and the natural effects of aging cause a certain amount of wrinkling in everyone, but it is much worse in people who spend a lot of time in the sun. Years of exposure to the sun cause "photoaging," which includes freckles, yellowing, roughness, visibleblood vessels, and dark spots, as well as wrinkling.Causes of wrinkles Constitution - naturally by birth due to the muscular structure.Aging - sagging a muscules as one ages.Dehydrated skin - skin creases due to moisture loss.lacks of muscles - especially with skinny people. Tips to avoid wrinkles.1. Apply moisturizer regularly.2. Air conditioners and room heaters tend to dry the skin. Hence apply heavier moisturizer if you are working in these conditions.3. Do not stretch or pull the delicate skin under eye or facial skin.4. Do not go out in hot sun. Carry an umbrella, wear sun glasses and apply sun screen lotions before stepping out in hot sun.5. Avoid smoking.6. Consume chick peas and soya beans regularly.7. Drink plenty of milk.8. Practice YOGA and MEDITATION regularly.Home remedies1. Apply egg yolk once in a week for 10 minutes.2. A mixture of honey, olive oil and cream give very good results.3. Apply nourishing mask once in a week.Homemade packs for wrinklesHONEY ANTI-WRINKLE MASK:* Take a pinch of soda bicarbonate.* Take half teaspoon of carrot juice* Take one and half tablespoons of honey.Mix carrot juice and honey and apply on your face for twenty minutes with cotton dipped in soda bicarbonate water. This acts as an anti-wrinkles mask.BANANA MASK* Take one teaspoon of rose water* Take one ripe bananaMash banana and mix it with rose water. Apply it on face and neck and wash it off after forty minutes. This is a good way for treating wrinkles.APPLE MASK:Mash an apple and use it as a mask. It is very good for wrinkles as it is rich in vitamins.

Muscle Fitness Program: What to Do When You are not Seeing the Growth That You Want

Every guy wants bigger arms and muscle fitness programs can be great for building them, but some exercises will not get the results that you were hoping for. We look at upper arm exercises and a few other excercises that build the bulging biceps or other parts of the musculature.
The first thing is Sitting Biceps Curl:
Due to the fact that you are sitting for this exercise, you have more leverage and will be able to lift more than you would in a standing curl. Try it at about one and a half times your usual barbell weight.
Sit on a bench with a barbell in your lap. Grip it from under with the hands shoulder-width apart, and curl it up toward the chin. You should be able to do 8 reps and then need a rest - if you cannot do that many or could have done more, adjust the starting weight next time.
After a rest of about a half minute, take a barbell that is 10% heavier and do a few more reps, however many you can.
Hammer Curl is another good muscle fitness program:
This exercise technically does not work the biceps but the brachialis, which is underneath it in the musculature of the upper arm. Developing the brachialis will increase the overall size of the upper arms and push up the biceps so that they look bigger, even if you are at the